Vedic Maths for Kids

Learn Tricks to make you calculations fast and get rid of so called ” Silly Mistake”,

Join our Vedic Math for Kids Classes

Benefits of Our Vedic Maths for kids Classes:

    • Calculations becomes easy and can be carried out mentally
    • Students become more creative and learn calculation tricks
    • No need to learn tables above 9
    • It helps stimulate the right brain… boost creativity
    • Improves memory and boosts self confidence

How your child will get benefited:

    • Our offline and Online Vedic Math Classes in Dwarka eliminates the fear of mathematics
    • On vedic Math Classes help kids  in scoring better in exams like maths Olympiad .
    • Our Online Vedic Maths Course for Competitive Exams makes child confident to clear the competitive exams with ease.

Vedic Maths for Kids course Details:

Our Vedic Maths Classes in Dwarka Delhi extends from school going kids to students preparing for the competitive exams. Due to lock-down we are now taking online Classes.  In online classes apart from having  small group  of students and we do also have individual online classes. So you may choose any option that suits you.

Vedic maths for kids:

Vedic math for kids is best for Students from 4th class and above. We take both offline as well as vedic math online classes.Offline classes are conducted at Dwarka in New Delhi, India. We are not restricted to any boundary for our Online classes.  In this program we don’t only teach the mathematics but we train the mind of your child to think differently. So apart from teaching Vedic math techniques we also focus on mind development games and activities which helps in developing the mind of the child.

Our Regular vedic math classes & program  is a one year course and has been divided into different levels. In fast track mode this course can be completed in just 4 months The admission of the child in any particular level depends on the performance of the child in the entrance test. 


Vedic Math for Jrs.


Kids from 8 Years to 11 years


Regular Course: Each module is of 3 months


  1. Mental Addition
  2. Mental Subtraction
  3. Mixed Operations
  4. Decimals
    1. Addition
    2. Subtraction
    3. Multiplication
    4. Division
  5. Half  of a numbers
  6. Double of a Number
  7. Four Times of a Number
  8. One Fourth of A Number
  9. Multiplication By 5 , 50, 500….
  10. Multiplication By 25, 250,….
  11. Division By 5, 50,500 ….
  12. Division By 25, 250…


  1. Complement of a number
  2. Multiplication by 9,99,999,999….
  3. Multiplication by 11
  4. Tables from 1 to 99
  5. Word Problem on Multiplication
  6. Multiplication of numbers near 10,100,1000…
  7. 2 Digit Multiplication 
  8. 3 Digit Multiplication
  9. Squares of numbers ending with 5
  10. Duplex Concept
  11. Squaring ( General Method)
  12. Removing Silly Mistakes
  13. Finding Right Answer


  1. Division by Single Digit
  2. Division by double Digit
  3. Division by 9
  4. Division by larger divisors like 98,89,999 etc
  5. Compound Arithmetic:
    1. Money
    2. Time
    3. Length
    4. weight
    5. capacity
    6. Addition & Subtraction
    7. Multiplication & Division
    8. Conversion
  6. Perimeter
  7. Area
  8. Volume
  9. Factors & Multiples
  10. HCF & LCM


  1. Fraction
    1. Equivalent
    2. Add & Subtract
    3. Multiply Divide
    4. Compare
    5. Mixed to improper and vice-versa
  2. Ratio & Proportion
    1. Lowest form
    2. Proportionately Sutra
    3. Dividing
  3. Percentage
    1. Ratio Equation
    2. Increase & Decrease
    3. Reverse Percentage
  4. Mean
  5. Elimination & Retention
  6. Revision


Vedic Math for Srs.


Kids from 11 Years & Above


Regular Course: Each module is of 3 months


  1. Addition & Subtraction
    1. Additions
    2. Subtraction
    3. Mixed Operations
  2. Decimals
    1. Addition
    2. Subtraction
    3. Multiplication
    4. Division
  3. Double of a Number
  4. Half of a Number
  5. Four Times of a Number
  6. One Fourth of a Number
  7. Multiplication By 5 , 50, 500….
  8. Multiplication By 25, 250,….
  9. Division By 5, 50,500 ….
  10. Division By 25, 250…
  11. Digit Roots
  12. Removing Silly Mistakes
  13. Magic of 9
  14. Compliment


  1. Vinculum
  2. Application on vinculum
  3. Multiplication:
    1. Numbers Near to 10,100,1000,…
    2. By Proportionately
    3. By Vertical and cross wise( 2 digits)
    4. By Vertical and cross wise( 3 digits)
    5. Vinculum
  4. Squares of number ending with 5
  5. Squares of numbers near to 10,100, 1000…
  6. Duplex
  7. Straight Squaring
  8. Finding Cubes
  9. Verifying the Answers
  10. Division:
    1. Near the number 10
    2. by 9
    3. by number near to100


  1. Division ( Cont…… )
    1. Divide Mentally
    2. Straight Division
    3. Alternate Remainders
    4. Division with Alternate Remainders
    5. Divisibility Rules
  2. Square Roots
    1. Long Division
    2. Estimation Method
    3. General Vedic method
    4. Word Problems
  3. Cube Roots
    1. Finding with in Seven Second
    2. of number having 7,8,9 digits
  4. Pre-Algebra  & Arithmetic:
    1. Factorization
    2. HCF & LCM
    3. Fractions
    4. Percentage
    5. Ratio & Proportion


  1. Decimal Fractions:
    1. Non – Recurring
    2. Recurring
    3. Partial Recurring
  2. Algebra:
    1. Equation Formation
    2. Solving Equations
    3. Algebraic Multiplication
    4. Factorization of Quadratic Equations
    5. Linear Equations in One Variable
    6. Simultaneous Linear Equation
    7. Special Case
    8. Application of Algebra ( word Problem)
  3. Finding a day
    1. Leap & Non Leap Year
    2. Leap and Non Leap Century
    3. Odd Day Out
  4. Revision

Vedic Math of competitive exams:
In our offline and online Vedic Maths Course for competitive exams, a students will, be taught various tricks and techniques to solve the question within seconds. Students will be taught to find the correct answer without actually doing the calculation. Finding squares, cubes, square roots, cube root, HCF, LCM, fraction rations, percentage, multiplication, division etc. will be just a matter of seconds.


Competitive Exams



One semester of 3 months



Twice a week ( One hour each day)


Good understanding of arithmetic and mathematical operations


Analytical Brains Education Pvt. Ltd.

Based on 18 reviews
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Rajesh Chhikara
10:29 03 Nov 19
Vedic. Math test being conducted at scholars’ point
gaurav yadav
11:54 19 Jul 19
Very good for kids as well as youngster also.anyone can improve the handwriting here.they have their own font of english that is easy to learn.
Kiran Sihan
09:21 21 Mar 19
My two kids mental calculations improved a lot after joining Scholar’s point . Thanks to the trainer .
Arjun Dev Magoo
01:51 09 Mar 19
I am really happy with the progress of my son. After joining vedic math course his mental calculation and speed has increased a lot. Thanks to scholars point.
Geetika Hans
06:26 04 Mar 19
Excellent institute. Well experienced teachers and their method of teaching is very good
Sanjeev Kumar
02:09 04 Mar 19
Excellent and experienced teachers and methodology of teaching. Great response and progress in a short period of time.
Abhishek Kumar
04:27 24 Feb 19
Have acknowledged tremendous change in my 2 kids.They take proper care not just in terms of bookish knowledge but with mental exercise as well.They provide lot of activities to nurish kids overall development.
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